13 months

I am 13 months old. I went to visit family in England and Ireland it was really neat. I met my Great Dorothy McDonald, my GREAT uncle Richard McDonald my GREAT Aunt Marion McDonald, Got to meet my Auntie Sinead Guyett, Auntie Deborah Robb, Uncle Ian Speed, Auntie Anne Gallegos, Then All The Aunties and Uncles in The Woods Family..... Stephen Woods, Amy Woods, Zoë WoodsAnna Woods,Adam Ross Woods, Jeremy Woods, Jason Woods, Heidi Vastamäki. While we were there we went into London and I saw Paddington, We went to Hamley's Toy Store and found cool toys. 5 story toy store was kid heaven. Got to see the nice christmas lights on Regents street it was so neat. Went on the underground train. Rush hour was pretty crazy. When I was in the Buggy I really wanted mommy to pick me up those people where way over me, so she did.:) Then Daddy decided he would put me in the carrier on him so I was comfortable in the packed out train. We went all over. My Auntie Debs and Uncle Ian had a birthday party for me and they were all there (Anne Gallegos, Sinead Guyett, Ian Speed, Deborah Robb,mommy and daddy), with a cool puppy cake with candles and cool toys, books, Outfits and lots of laughs. I stayed with Auntie Sinead Guyettand Ben in London it was so much fun, ben even got stuck in a container it was so funny.... . I got to play in Ben room with a cool light toy and they downloaded the proper fireman sam for me to watch. She even ordered me the proper fireman sam to take home. I got to meet Joe Dabrowski and Kathryn Guyett and Ella :). We had awesome hot chocolate at Nero and saw a fire station in Chiswick. After we left London we headed to Bude Cornwal, where I got to have a lunch with my GREAT Aunt and Uncle Richard McDonald&Marion McDonald. Then we went to Wadebridge Cornwall and met my Great Dorothy McDonald. (NAN) We visited Newquay and saw the big beautiful beach. The tide was in so I couldn't go play (and it was cold) But I saw surfers surfing like my big sister Joy and enjoyed the fresh air . We went to Bude and saw some more beautiful beaches, as well as we went walking and saw loads of geese and seagulls was funny when they threw the bread and we were swarmed by birds. We went to a castle and I fell asleep finally slept through being carried up and down all the stairs. We went to eat breakfast and I thought it was funny to eat all of mummy's food!!! We took Great Nan out to eat at a pub and I got my own food and ate it all! We also Flew out of Newquay a super small airport the security guy was so cool played with me and was super nice . the airport was so small it didn't have gates and we had to walk to the little plane that we flew out on. It had propellers and I loved playing with the safety card. I fell asleep before we took off the vibration of the plane was so relaxing. We went to Ireland to meet all the woods!!! It was great fun I saw downtown Dublin Ireland saw the college and all the night life plus the pretty christmas lights. Got to see all the guys watch a game on the TV at the restaurant it was great fun! We were there for 2 days but it was loads of fun!!! Got more new clothes Daddy was tired of mummy going to "NEXT" to find me cool clothes! ;)We got ready for flying back and were on the bus to go out to our plane in Dublin and we met a nice lady that had a boy that I thought was so funny playing on the bus. She ended up owning a Fudge place in Padstow Cornwall called Buttermilk. We were going to Padstow the next day to buy fudge.. yum yum!!! We flew back to Newquay and went to Padstow and had a breakfast there and walked up and down the beach was so nice! We went and spent the evening with Nan and she stood and let me jump (I love to jump) She is really neat and fun . My great Nan is 95 and I am so blessed I got to meet her. We went back to London returned the buggy to Sinead to give to sweet Kathryn Guyett for letting me borrow it and left her yummies to thank her for the fabulous wheels for a few days! On our trip back our plane was delayed but we finally got going. I was fussy b/c the security guy made mummy throw away my medicine to help my tummy. :( But the flight attendants on BA were so nice they gave me a sprite a snack , played with me . let me hang out in their area and play, and made me warm fresh english milk(ooh how I will miss it) Naomi and Claire on BA were so sweet to me and mummy and made our trip pleasant going home. We got settled and I took a nap in the cot after watching Zootopolis a million times :) What a great 13 month visit with everyone ... I am now 21 lbs. I love fish and chips, beans and eggs , rashers, fruit shooters, bangers and mash, steak and ale. beef, potato, onion pasty ( i ate the whole thing by myself) chicken pasty's , scones, clotted cream and strawberry jam, Fresh Orange Juice is yummy too.... I left the US with no teeth and have come home with 4 teeth they are sharp and I love to bite my daddy he makes funny sounds :) I laugh!!! I truly had the best time meeting everyone and listening to all the different accents. I am getting taller and almost walked while there I am standing for longer periods by myself and am ready to run but not quite sure about it just yet. Chocolate is one of my favorites and we found some milk at a dairy here in Georgetown that isn't Fresh English milk but it is yummy and close and I love it. Finally milk I like...