2 years 8 months

I am 2 years 8 months I have been traveling again.... imagine that 😬 . I’ve now been to 13 states and 2 Countries .

Daddy and mommy took me to Corpus Christi to the aquarium it was loads of fun looking at the fish, sea turtles and playing in the water at the small water park inside the aquarium.

We also went to the Austin Aquarium it was small but the fish were neat and the birds kept sitting my my daddy’s arms!!

We went to Boston Massachusetts for a conference for Kleefstra syndrome and while we were there we explored Rhode Island! It was humid but beautiful. I got to meet Dr. Kleefstra who my syndrome was named after she lives in the Netherlands and was very nice. We also met lots of new people I was able to play with lots of kids, toys and they blew bubbles 🙂 I love bubbles. We went for a walk for my syndrome In a near by park in Dedham Massachusetts. I was a little fussy and overwhelmed with all the people but I tried to be my normal happy self. I was tired and protested eating bc I wasn’t able to sleep like I wanted they kept waking me for things to do. But I survived and tried to put my big Liam smile on ! Daddy was able to get lots of information and learned a lot. Mommy is scatterbrained and well lost focus and really did what she does Best pretended to learn so Daddy could teach her later! She has no attention span lol..
Mommy made lots of friends but that is nothing new she could talk to a wall!!

We met lots of kids I played went to Boston children’s museum and played with Bubbles, water I danced and it was so much fun.

The rest of June was actually pretty calm for us it has been a very crazy first half of 2018.

I love to run, play, swim , make you blow bubbles. I am trying to learn to say things but my speech therapy has been limited bc of insurance and lack of resources in our small town, hopefully we can find someone to help us until I start school in November when I turn 3 .

Life with Kleefstra is going to be a journey but I know I have loads of friends and family to help me along the way. I am loved !!! More updates next month off to my adventures my Aunt Melissa and Uncle Ashley and cousin Ti are here !! Run With Liam