5 years 2 months

5 year 2 months

Well being 5 years and 2 months has started off with a lot of new scary things in my little life... can I go back to being 4. And can I go back to Tennessee!!!! Texas is proving to be a lot of work!

I have enjoyed my time tho with Adam, Monica , Hanna, Bradley and well even more with the dogs! I love Red but he has been not wanting me around him much he seems tired or sad .... but Bear now he is my buddy for sure. Love to cover him and me up together on the couch. I wish I had a puppy but we travel way to much. Axle well he’s a puppy and we play some but not a lot, but I love when he licks me. I giggle like crazy! . Auntie Monica made this yummy rice , chicken, Nan and curry sauce I loved it soooo much. I’ve been eating that and lots of fish and chips . Mummy hasn’t been super hungry on this trip but I’m working out so much I stay starving...

I got to see Grandma and Uncle Steven it was fun I took over her Alexa. I am so smart on that ! I can always find what I want no matter where I am :-) She has a toy cat I love to play with also and I got loads of chocolate buttons !!!! I always get awesome treats there for sure!!

Been spending time with William some it’a nice to have a Kleefstra brother here. We have different schedules but we have seen each other some ..

Went back to Grandmas and ran inside and was like a tornado I flew thru straight to the echo!! Mummy was like give grandma hugs but she didn’t care she knows I love that thing. She got me some snacks and allergy medicine at Costco so we ran to grab it.

Went and had dinner with uncle Adam and aunt Monica it was fun also because Hanna came home from School she is funny!!!! The dogs, me and Adam were all running thru the house having the best time and I helped them with Christmas decorating ... well helping by playing with everything. The snow globe with Santa is my favorite!!! I love playing with the dogs and hanging out with their family. It’s nice to see mummy laughing and enjoying herself. She’s been kind of lonely at our new home but she loves it and so do I. But nice she is getting friend time while I have therapy.... don’t know if that’s a good trade at home I could play more but Rachael and Jenn do let me play just not always my idea of play and fun. Because it’s WORK.

Daddy came to town and went to therapy with me on Wednesday. Was glad to see my daddy haven’t seen him since we’ve been here and FaceTime bores me some. But miss my mummy in therapy . They don’t let them both come with me bc of Covid. I hate I can’t have my parents bc of something going on in this world I don’t understand or care just sucks I can’t have both my parents !!!! On the last day they went outside for my certificate so mummy and daddy could both be there. We went and had lunch and saw Hannah and Connor grandma and uncle Andrew had just picked them up and stopped at the restaurant to say goodbye .

We got on the road and off to Tennessee...: I played my game and then off to bed I went I decided to sleep some but I mean we traveled all night. Mummy was ready to get there and we had lots of traffic so o decided to make it go faster I’d sleep thru it .

Got home and it was so nice to have my Christmas tree, echo, bed, and just to be home. Daddy put up my Santa and lights I was so excited! I never wanted to come back inside. Even tho it was cold hanging with Santa is way cooler!!! My bubba walker and sissy Joy came up with Baby daisy. It was nice to see them and then my sissy Kaytlynn and Oliver came and well needless to say those two littles rocked my little quiet world they made our house look crazy and I decided hiding would be my best bet.... I mean I tried but I had to share my room with sissy and daddy had to sleep and I couldnt get away .. I tried the stairs and they found me and were learning to climb. I wasn’t safe anywhere!!!!! I mean NOWHERE. Little legs, little people , toys, blocks, magnets , oh and FOOD!!! Everywhere. They are crazy!! If I was like that as a baby mummy I’m sooo sorry!!!!
But on a good note playing outside with bubba walker and sissy Joy was so fun they got me a soccer net. I loved playing with my new things I got a basketball net and soccer net , got a new washer and dryer, Barbque, stove and fridge and new food!!!! Got a doctor set, and balls and puzzles and Santa was good to me!!! I got to watch Santa tracker and that was cool he was in Mississippi and mummy said you gotta go to bed!!! Auntie Dawn and Uncle Matt showed up and we’re dressed up looked like a big dinosaur coming in my house now I’m going to tell you I thought holy cow think I’ll stay up stairs and see how this plays out. They was creepy!!!! But I love my cheeseburger French fries uncle Matt!!! They had to leave the next day but glad we got to see them. Auntie Mary and Auntie Vicki came over to do Christmas with us. They love me..... I love them!!!!! We had a big dinner and had loads of fun although I did hide after presents to protect myself from the little monsters!!! Then we went outside and took pictures and played with the drone and Santa and the ball with mummy , daddy , sissy Joy and Bubba walker! And daisy helped !! I love playing kick ball.
Today we went outside and played with the soccer net and jumped on the trampoline and sissy was doing flips I laughed and laughed it was so funny!!! I played my game this evening and fell asleep on the couch with it. Mummy hasn’t made me go to bed early since I’m a big boy I can hang out the babies have to go to bed early. But they also wake up early!!! Oh Lord are they early babies!!! Thank god for my blankets , daddy and mummy’s room to hide and sleep in. I do love my niece & Nephew but sometimes I need just a little “Me time”.
After Christmas was over we had to take my Sissy Kaytlynn back to Hot Springs I didn’t feel really good but I took a very long nap and played my game. I don’t mind being in the car .. It was quiet and coming home was even quieter so I just relaxed.. kind of miss the little gremlins but so nice to sleep in my bed and rest . I am WORN out!

Merry Christmas… oh and mummy doesn’t know it but I think I will keep all the Santa’s all year I love SANTA!!!!!!!

Love all of you…… BYE 2020 …..


