6 years 11 months

6 years 11 months

On the road again!! As my longhorn sings… we stopped at aunt teen teens and she was being super silly. I was chasing the dog and laughing so hard mummy was trying to get me to settle bc uncle Vaughn was trying to sleep. Sissy and Ryan came over also I enjoyed seeing her it’s been a long time but was sad my nephew Ollie wasn’t there! He and I have loads of fun being loud together!
I got to sleep in Maci bed and didn’t want to get up! But mummy said Liam it’s Bucee day and well no more words needed I was up and looking. For my shoes to get in the car! You don’t have to tell me twice I want my bucees!!!

Ash /Justin I got to see my cousins, Ivy, Devlin, Lyla, and Eve. Eve is a lot like Daisy ! Wild and crazy. Mummy had a blast with her. I played Xbox, pushed a push chair, played with my Bucee and had a great time. Ashley made broccoli and rice and I ate a lot. She made chocolate chip muffins and I was in heaven think I had 4. I got to see munners and Tammy and Stormie too. So much family!!! But it’s nice mummy enjoys seeing family and talking ! I like when she gets to see people she can talk to bc she will let me chill and little .

Off to Auntie Becky and Uncle Bryan’s where we will stay until I start napa. Mummy said it’s my down time! We stopped at 4 Buc-ees along the way I saw them and screeeemed “EEEE” and she stopped ! Yay!!! We got to the house and mosquitoes were thick so we ran inside . Poor mummy had to unload in the swarm. I went in and relaxed .

We got settled and didn’t do much for a few days finally went out to grab groceries we have a lot but needed real food as mummy calls it and no junk stuff. I’m fine with junk really but mummy said I need good food for therapy. Ugh! Although I love to eat and love fruit!

We went over to the park over on the island. We have to ride a boat over in our car it’s pretty neat . I saw dolphins playing and a pirate boat and played on the playground. I ran and giggled and saw a big shark I took my picture in its mouth! It wasn’t real!!!

We got back to the house and took a shower and mummy tried feeding me I was being very cheeky and sliding around , giggling and making it very hard for her to get food in my mouth. She gave up after half a bowl. It’s fun teasing her! I love being silly! It’s so hot here I’m really not very hungry but I’ve been drinking lots of water!!! Next day we went back and had dinner with Auntie Anne! she is super cool I had torillas and enchaladas.. it was good.. I like the chips a lot ... Miss seeing Auntie Anne!

Miss Melinda came over and brought mummy some things she picked up in Mexico she hung out for a while and mummy talked and left me alone for a bit...

We went to the beach and I loved having my feet in the water .. I laughed ran and played … we went back and the next day mummy was off work so we went to North Padre and mummy and I played in the water a lot it was really a lot of fun. We fed the birds my veggie straws although I didn’t want them to eat them all but they did!!

WE finally had to load up and get ready to head for my therapy… not sure what to expect but guess I will see soon..

Got to Austin and got to See Grandma and Uncle Steven. They had some cool fish I enjoyed watching swim around and I have had a blast playing with her walking push thing I run from one end to the other and I play with all her iPads and she doesn’t care .. she lets me do whatever I want!! I tell mummy each day after therapy I want to stop and see Grandma so I can push my stuffed animals around and burn off the energy. I didn’t at therapy. I got to go and get my hair cut from Miss Denise.. I love it b/c she lets me pick out and touch things. She lets me sit in the firetruck when mummy says I am too big but I don’t think I am too big haven’t gotten stuck and or broke it so there mummy.

We went to the park and I got to play on the merry go round and the teeter toter. It was a lot of fun I think that night I slept better than any other night.

Daddy came in and went to therapy on Friday for KS acknowledgment day (since it was on Saturday we took pictures in purple on Friday) it was a lot of fun to see all the people wearing my shirts and some of my KS brother and sister’s shirts .
My school even had a purple day for me and sent me pictures to show support for me here! I was so happy to see a picture of my friends I truly miss Mr.GREG, Mrs Deloras, Mrs. Kyrstin, and Miss Maddy… plus of course my friends … yes I am making friends and I make everyone laugh so it makes me laugh.

We took Daddy to the airport and went to guess where …. BASTROP BUC-EES YAY!! Of course Mummy stopped at her friend Cynthia's to pick something up first and I was being pushy to get to my Beaver!!! WE Got there and of course I got a new shirt and Buc-ee this one is a purple shirt .. I love it . We went to eat afterward with Bonnie and Ryder it was fun!! The next day mummy had Michael and Kerri ask her to eat again so we went back to Bastrop and had food with Michael, Kerri the girls Yay and Cynthia and Sean! Mummy childhood friends.. Of course I could see my beaver out the window and all I could think about was Buc-ee and going to see him again!!! We finally got over there and she wouldn’t let me get another big one so I got a pillow since I didn’t have one here… Got some snacks for my therapist which they always enjoy!! Mummy enjoyed seeing her friends Michael and Kerri came to see us at our house in Tennessee so I was super excited to see the girls. But since my mind was on Buc-ee I didn’t act it a whole lot.. Probably should have taken me to Buc-ee first mummy!!! But I still cheesed for the picture and gave hugs and tried to make them smile a little!

We went to Marble Falls for the weekend I haven’t been sleeping well so neither has mummy! She’s tired ! I can go and go but she is getting SLOW!!! I got to see Auntie Shelsea and Uncle James and got to play with Traveler he loves me ! We played for a long time I was talking to him and he was talking to me .
I got to see my friend Tyne we went to Johnson Park and fed the ducks some people were driving on the grass and were made bc they couldn’t drive bc we had all the ducks there well people we are kids having fun in a park and you were somewhere in a car you shouldn’t be so don’t get mad when something is where is belongs and you are inconvenienced. Mummy was trying to move the ducks down by feed further down and I was chasing them but they wouldn’t move. So some guy got out and went all duck crazy chasing them. They moved but it’s bc he was mean.
Anyway we didn’t let that mean person ruin our fun. We played and ran and then they wanted pictures well haha finally we took a selfie and they were happy and left us alone. We went back to the house and I was finally tired I put myself to bed … I finally let mummy sleep! She just needed to let me play outside and get tired … Today we got up and came to the sweet berry farm! Elsie and her mum and dad met us. I jumped , took pictures with the boards to make mummy happy and painted a pumpkin.. then she let me ride a pony!!! I loved that !!!!! We went to pick flowers and I got hot so mummy brought me to cool off in the car. I played games and cooled down !! We went to the fire house and played on the fire trucks showed my friend Elsie around!
After seeing the firetrucks we went to eat at Boat town it was awesome getting to eat Fish and chips . We went to mummy work later and I played and chilled for a bit I got to see David and Fawn so I was happy… To the lake to get our stuff and went to see Auntie Dawn and Uncle Matt real quick on our way back to Austin to get ready for another week of Napa for me to be silly and learn more ... Miss Elizabeth came to see us and help learn things to help mummy back in Tennessee. Mummy still wants the therapy room so she came to visit. We took her to eat at Jack Allens and went to the play for all park and played on everything! It was a blast. She tries to get me to do things Mummy thinks her telling me will make me do them more.. hmmm mummy not so much but I am going to explore the whole park b/c I want to see what I might want to try now with my new skills I am learning. I tried a few things I wouldn’t and still love the teeter toter, merry go round and the boat in the back. I tried the moving steps and actually finally did it after mummy stopped trying to get me to.. my own time mum… Afterward we went and got ready for bed…. We had BBQ of course b/c mummy misses it and Tarka this week. I got to hug auntie Monica and hanna and see Hayden and Mannie and of course Jake at mummy office as well. Got my picture with him its like some kind of thing we do now!! Weird but makes mummy happy! Haha cheese ok can I go … Went down to the neighborhood park and Uncle Steven and Grandma came to watch me play.. I balanced on all of the rocks, slid down the slide, climbed up the slide, and walked and balanced on the outside of the park its like a balance beam that surrounds the park. I did awesome!!!! What a great month of seeing people and learning new things.

Headed home tomorrow excited b/c Grandma gave me Buc-ee money!!!

Talk next month!!!! Sure you all need a month off from me!!




