7 years 12 Months

7 years 12 months. Birthday month….

Today started out with me getting French toast most important thing that always happens on Saturday morning since school started !!! French toast Saturday!! Then mummy got me dressed and we headed to a town called Lebanon Tennessee it’s about an hour from us when Mummy drives (Buc-ees is another hour past that ). No we didn’t go but I had so much fun I got to see the Vanderbilt Lifeflight helicopter up close and sit in the pilot seat I even got to sit in the paramedic / Nurse seat and met a super awesome new friend named Becky who works for Wilson county EMS !!!! Mummy had to make me leave or I would have hogged her to myself and other kids wanted to see too! Hard to leave such an awesome thing!!! We walked across and saw some cool hot rods and old cars I had to vote and it was rushed picked a few and mummy helped narrow it down. I got to see my new friend Deklan. I met him and his family at the zoo and it was an event for DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy). I wasn’t really sure what that is but he’s my friend and I don’t care what it means … I will support my friends like my friends support me. He has a cool scooter I want to touch buttons but mummy said I can’t touch bc it is like someone touching my voice device. So I got that . It’s his way to move around and he is fast on that thing. His mummy is so sweet . I love new friends and love that mummy is making some new friends and starting to get out again. We left and went to Publix and grabbed some balloons and daddy favorite treats and a cake and went to fire house to surprise him and do a little birthday since he wasn’t home on his birthday.
After that I got to go to the car wash and see my buddies and finally back home for dinner and chilling after a long outside day!!!

Monday I went to therapy and daddy took us . I did good and worked have a little break to being a monkey.

We went to the airport and they had a touch a Truck event. It was so cool Daddy was trying to get me to go for a ride in a helicopter , but that was a little helicopter if it was the Vandy one maybe but not that thing!! No thanks.. didn’t seem too stable. I went over to my favorite part and saw Officer Liberty and also a State trooper and got a picture with him.. sooo cool… After that you can guess I hung out with all the cool fire people…. I made some new friends .. of course did you expect me not to make friends.. I love making new fire friends.. They said they would send me patches and share my page and patch collection information!! So excited.. hope I can go visit their station as well!!! I got a cool picture with them and sure mummy will post she post everything!!!! :)

Mummy took me to Miss Kate I’ve asked her to stay on the couch and find some things to do to give me more Kate time and some time away from the camera !! The hey talk to much anyway and I want to be loud and play !! Music is the best , we read, do yoga and I show her all my new words ! I can spell Paddington Fireman Fireman Sam With (I find this everywhere) like Run with Liam) Black Panther Iron Man Snake eyes (I can say that in my own way) Fire truck Dinosaur truck Mom I can write , spell and say Liam I can write , spell and say I can spell Michelle I can write spell , Liam McDonald Buc-ee Super hero Bad guy Dog Captain America America Spider-Man Batman Buzz lightyear Animation Show

And Mom & dad now I write numbers 1-10 and more too… And a lot more but Mummy can’t keep up with my smarts!!! I am really learning a lot and spelling some BIG words and i am making loads of new sounds . Mummy said she wished the doctor would have listened to her three years ago so I could have been more ahead but glad we met our doctors in Boston feel they truly know me !!

Saddle up I was so excited I got to ride cocoa they’ve been teaching me to hold the reigns And now we are playing a game and wanted me to drop my reigns not falling for that . Just got a big horse back and I’m not falling for any tricks going to hold them and try to hold them up but my hands do get tired of being up . But I am trying . We are playing Simon says and it didn’t work out how Miss Corina thought but it was funny and we had fun. I love I have Miss Stephanie for everything. She is so sweet and it is nice to have the same person all the time at saddle up. I didn’t really get to know my other people b/c they were typically different every week. Guess the volunteer has to fall in love with you for it to stay the same.. Glad Miss Stephanie has grown to like me a little.. Not that I am hard to like! :)

Miss Kristin, Miss Lisa, Mr. Tony, Elouise, Daddy and mummy and I all went to a haunted house.. I was the first one to go thru .. Well that was interesting.. not scary really but I was like what are you doing!!! I kept giving them high fives .. The chainsaws were a little alarming and I did jump and not want to walk past them .. but in the end took pics with them all b/c it was pretty cool…

This week I got a friend in the mail. I love getting mail!! Even love opening mummy and daddys but not so happy when I realize it really isn't cool and it is junk they want ! BUT back to my doll... I am soo excited he looks just like me ... he has glasses, red hair and mummy ordered him some clothes to match so we can be the same it is sooo cool to have a friend like me. I took lots of pictures b/c you know mummy takes a ton of picture. This doll was hand made just for me by a sweet lady named Amy!!! She does these for special kids and it was finally my turn to get one. Mummy put me on the list back in April of 21 but we waited until it was time and finally it was my time.. I got him just when I needed him , right before mummy was having surgery!! ..if you want to read about Amy and what she does for special kids like me here is her link : https://adolllikeme.com

Mummy said she was going to have to have surgery not sure what that means but she said she needed me to use the big boy potty and it would help her so I am really trying she bought me some big. It underwear that looks like daddy underwear so I really like being the same. I still don’t want to poop but I will pee and I love flushing the toilet . Also love throwing the whole roll in the toilet and laughing . Mummy couldn’t find two rolls I tried to hide I flushed them but the 3rd roll I got caught. She said it would make the toilet not flush .

I started playing baseball. It’s fun. I think my pals are soo cool they run with me and im learning to hit the ball and I finally figured out I am to throw the ball back to the pitcher and not run it over to him. Lots of new stuff to learn but im getting it . Im left handed and after mummy told them that it was a little easier to hit but a ball coming at you is a little weird so sometimes I stand there and let them throw it into the mitt behind me so I can make sure it won’t hit me first .

I was a little cheeky at school this week my ear felt a little off and mum gave me something to dry it up and made me a little busy! Mr Greg has me tho. He knows I want to learn sometimes I just want to move around too. I went to high hopes and my schedule was a little backward but I adapted somewhat but I also kind of didn’t give my all for everyone. Taylor came and looked at my ears she said the left was a little off but not bad so we put some drops in and it helped a lot .

Miss Michelle came over and brought some chicken and rice soup for us since mum was about to have. Surgery she was trying to make sure we had food since mummy wouldn’t be able to cook for a few days. Daddy doesn’t cook much so everyone is being awesome and bringing things to prepare!!! Not quite sure what is going to happen with her not being able to do all she does.

Mummy had surgery this morning , Miss Mande came over and sat with me while Sissy took her bc daddy couldn’t get off a little early, so we sat talked and I showed her my BIG Buc-ee . It was weird mummy leaving and daddy not being home but Mande helped me not feel sad.
It wasn’t a long time mummy had to leave at 6:45 and daddy gets home at 7:15 . Glad Mande was able to come over.
Daddy went and got Daisy and we played and it took my mind off where mummy was .

Mummy finally got back home and she has a Fat lip! She looks different . I went and sat in bed with her bc I knew she didn’t feel well. Sissy helped her get sorted and she had to head home bc she had been gone all day.

Mande came back later and brought mummy flowers and a card and me Joker and Robin for my collection I’m into right now.
Miss April came over and brought food so I had snacks and such and sat with mummy and chatted a bit . So nice to see all the people care about us.

Miss Kyrstin came by today and brought a fuzzy blanket and cookies and chocolates and Elouise brought a hippo o wanted to steal . I am going to steal the blanket too. I went upstairs and sat with mummy and talked her into a back rub so I could lay on it. Might steal the bath-bombshell as well lol.
She is stingy with the hippo!!! But I’ll find a way. She also brought me my favorite food ICHARO!!! So I was pretty happy!!! Daddy came up and we took a bath poor mummy can’t take one yet . She showed me her incisions and they look ouchy! I kissed them to make them better .

Sissy came back to check in and Daisy , Daddy and I went outside and played on the trampoline! Daisy kept putting Daddy in 5 min timeouts. I thought it was super funny.
I played outside for over and hour and got some fresh air . Sissy sat upstairs and kept mummy company while we played .
Finally they left and went home and it was BATH time.. Daddy finally got out of time out and time for us to get a bath. Mummy isn’t doing much I like to got sit with her some I know she is lonely! I got to stay home for a week b/c mummy couldn’t drive it was so nice being home and getting to just chill.. I have been using the potty for her to help her I know it is hard for her to pull and help right now. I have been helping her with laundry too.. I know she can’t bend so I put from washer to dryer for her. I even help put my stuff up.. I am really a big helper..
Miss Lisa came by and brought her some thing to do in bed. Coloring pens ( I am going to get into those!! They look fun.. BET Daisy likes them too). And a pad for her to draw on while she is stuck in bed. She also brought some super soft houseshoes… mummy is super excited about those.. I don’t like house shoes.. give me my socks and I am just fine !!! Why wear shoes in the house!! I have to wear them outside and that is enough! I like to be comfortable.

Miss Kate came to visit and did my therapy at home since mummy couldn’t drive .. I had a GREAT time .. Love music ! We make songs, dance, and read and play games..

I got some new patches from my friend Jayla in Florida friends again and my Grandpa Mannie he is soo cool sure wish I could see him again we used to play soccer and he would bring his dog over to play with me.

Mr. Greg has been helping me learn to do buttons.. I don’t like them.. But he has been really trying to get me to learn… He has worked with me a lot .. I work really good for him. I am now wearing underwear to school … Still don’t want to poop on the potty I don’t know why but it is easier for me not to … But I have done really good helping mummy and wearing underwear just like daddy’s I like to be like daddy!!

Daddy took me to my baseball game.. mummy couldn’t go but it is ok. I did well. I do like baseball and think it is super funny the running from base to base to the home run.. Although I don’t run to my full potential, I do laugh the entire time and have a BLAST!! They all run with me… So much fun to hear them cheering as well.

Mummy first day out we went to my baseball game then … Scare on the Square in Charlotte and I got to take a picture with the chief there and then I was done.. I don’t eat candy I come for the firetruck!!!! They did have some cool bubbles but by time I got there they were reloading so I didn’t get to play in it .

After that we went over to Dickson and hung out at the firehouse and then walked thru downtown for BOO FEST with Sissy, Bubba and Daisy … .. that was fun looking at all the costumes.. I think people are funny and I am not scared of them .. Takes a lot to scare me … We left and drove to get some things and headed to Wash 37055 to see my friends for the Blood Bath (daddy car needed a wash for sure).
It was cool the cheerleaders were dancing and I was dancing too. They handed out glow sticks and candy and then tried to scare us in the car wash .. I thought it was funny!!!

We headed back to the house after this mummy was tired and to be honest so was I!!!

We went to the store to get a few things and mummy is letting me ring up more.. I love going to Kroger they have two registers now for when you have more than a few items where you can do your own groceries and. I love ringing everything up.. I am getting good at it.. I love sneaking things when mummy is bagging haha..

This month has been so exciting my last month being 7… next month all my birthday celebrations can’t wait to share…

Love to you all thanks for all your support and love…

Liam www.runwithliam.org

