NAPA 2021 - Part 1
Day 1
Speech today I have to make sentences .. I am doing very well with my prompt sounds . I love that I am learning . I ask to go to the classroom…
Shay makes me work hard but I always seem to learn a lot even though it’s very hard. I wasn’t being talkative so we went and I got to sit on the vibration plate . I like it , they say it helps me come out of my shell and be more active more like shakes me out of my shell!!! . I think I’m perfectly active!!!
I got to meet some new people but still get to see Rachael and everyone else I love Napa! I did lots of balancing , vibration, swinging and I had my suit on it was hard to walk in but I did it! I’m strong!!!
Day one seemed like it went very well I had a blast!!!
Day 2
Today we did our sounds the vowels are so hard. But I try really hard! I get frustrated sometimes but I keep trying .
I had to climb blocks today and go backward and forward . I push a ladder , balanced , and used the vibrating plate. I even planked !!! I’m good at planking! I did sit ups today and balanced and was supposed to kick the pole over but instead I would push it over bc I am cheeky and like to be difficult bc it makes them laugh . I love lifting the weights it’s like working out with daddy!!!! Pulling the rope with miss Wendy is a blast I wanted it over and over. I swing and play hard ! There is so much they do with me . I enjoy classroom time. This is the best … I scooped and moved things to another bowl. I used an iPad and a stylus and drew letters . I was good at it also!!!
I like the little break but when I come back it’s non-stop work I’m exhausted afterwards and just want to chill and play a game for a bit! When we were done and got my suit off I felt like my legs had been thru a massive work out.
Whew!!! And I still have 12 more days…….
Day 3
Today we worked on T sounds and Making my mouth make vowels I struggle a lot with vowels so I get a little cheeky and won’t look at Miss Shay bc she makes me try over and over and over and over again and again. I finally push as hard as I can and get it and she gets so excited ! She works on my lips I do love that!!!!
I am opening my mouth better and making sentences .
We listen to lots of music and play.
In the gym….
I balanced on blocks and stepped in blocks and up onto little blocks I was so proud I almost fell but kept trying.
I did the vibrating plate I really really love that! It helps me to build muscles she says! I planked and stood and balanced on one foot.
My favorite is always the swing although I fell off into the Mat but loved it so much I just laughed and wanted right back up. They are doing a music therapy and that is sooo awesome! I wear these headphones and listen to neat music it is supposed to work with my brain and bones in my head they say how in the world that does that I don’t know I just know I like it a lot I help them put it on. I got to lift the weight in the slide cage I laugh so hard and enjoy making the weight sounds I typically make with dad! It’s so fun!!!! I am sooo exhausted by the time we leave!!!!
Day 4
Today we started with my music I get to do it twice a day now!!!! Love it!!!! I worked on my sound cards today! I was really doing the T’s and D’s she was super proud of me.
I was asking for Grandma, Malia, Grandpa, and pointing to Mum!
I asked Shay to play Santa of course she played for me! Because if I ask on the device right she will play it. But if I don’t make a sentence she makes me start over.
Worked on box balance again today I was making it shake from side to side! Jenn and Miss Nikki make things challenging!! I jumped on and off the box it was awesome! I was also being a little Turkey for them today. Hiding running off and climbing on tables I couldn’t ever climb on before.
Kaitlyn took me over and I went to do my plank on the vibration plate and then stood on the half ball and they gave me the ball to go back and forth to the wall with a 4lb ball . I’m getting very strong! Music time and time for swinging and weights with miss Wendy! The fun part is always when she lets me play on the iPad doing my name ! I wait patiently and pull on the little log with a rope and do all I need to so I earn my few min on the iPad drawing and such mainly I pick my name it’s the coolest and I’m trying to get good at it. She Omy let me use my finger I have to use a iPad crayon. Mummy said she’ll get me one.
That was end of week one ! I’m learning everyone name and making people love me each day! I love to grin and love on everyone and Ive made a few new friends one is Olivia! She is red headed and soooo cute like me! I love talking to her and watching her do her exercises .. her mummy and mine were talking and having a good time. They just moved to Austin and we just moved away. Always make friends and then we all have to move.