One of those days...

Being a special needs parent is never easy, but you learn to take every day as you get it. Especially when you don’t know how long you will have with your child. Learning that we have lost 2 KS children to known causes in the last few weeks makes it that much more difficult. Then, every once in a while, you have “one of those days”. When you have a special needs child, “one of those days” is more than what most people would call “one of those days”. You hear other people talking about how well their child is doing or how well their niece or nephew is doing. People talk about what their child can say or what they learned to do as if it is a really big deal. And it is, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes it’s hard to hear people talk about things my child may never be able to do. I don’t like the word “never” because I don’t want to put limits on what Liam might be able to learn, but everything he does learn is a really big deal and has taken a lot of time and a lot of work! I try to never ask why, but it can be very difficult sometimes. For me, today is certainly “one of those days”. Today is proving to be a struggle for me. Work is usually a distraction, but not so much today. My mind is full of what if’s and why not’s. But in the end I must remain strong for Liam.