
How can you help?

Hi, I'm Liam and I have Kleefstra Syndrome. I live in Dickson, TN. My daddy is a Fire Fighter for the City of Dickson and I love first responders. I also love 3D Printing.

My friends at Wash 37055 and Sweet Charlotte supported me by wearing my shirts on Kleefstra Awareness Day and Wash 37055 donated $1 from every car wash. The Dickson Fire Department went purple for the month of September, wearing purple uniform shirts and hats as well as turning the exterior lights on the stations purple. The Dickson County Sheriff’s Office and, Dickson Police Department, Dickson County EMS and Dickson County EMA all wore purple bracelets.

We are also looking for people to help in any way they can with the building of my therapy room. We applied for a grant, but we didn't get it. We are looking to add on to our house and will need help finishing it out, with both materials as well as volunteers to help with the construction.

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4 years 3 months

Well this month started off a little different it’s a New Year and I’m going to be an Uncle . Mummy and I drove to North Carolina for Sissy to have her baby. It was a lot of me playing with their new German Shepard and waiting around . I loved playing with the puppy!!! We went to the children’s museum I had a blast I played with all kinds of things I played in a fitness area it was a total blast and then went to a little grocery store section I had a nice little cart and was able to get groceries and put them on the belt but then daddy made me put them all up ... so weird at the store I take them home. I went to a pizza section but when I opened a box a little girl slammed it and said NO so I moved to another section she didn’t play nice. Girls are mean!
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4 years 2 months

Back to life .... I’m feeling better, mummy is better, daddy is working a lot to help pay for our trip back to Philly and I’m walking running practicing trying to get my running goal by March . I have to run 100 yards! They say it’s a whole football field think I got this! I run and run all the time let me at it!!!
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4 years 1 month

We spent a lot of time traveling this month and I shared adventures from England and Scotland with my Aunties, uncles and cousins.. when we got home I had to get my 4 year old shots . It didn’t hurt I actually slept thru it. But the next day I was pretty miserable. I don’t want to eat , sleeping is hard my legs are feeling weird I keep kicking mummy, Ive had a fever for a few days I never run fever. My body temperature is normally 96.1 and I feel hot and cold and shiver. I am just miserable it’s made my nose run, coughing and I seriously just want to stay in my bed and play with my Paddington he makes me feel better.
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4 years

So I’m 4. Doesn’t that mean I don’t have to be kissed so much since I’m a bigger boy and not a baby???? We got dressed and daddy left for his test and mummy and I went with my Auntie Anne from London to Kew Gardens . We walked around I played with geese (English Geese aren’t mean like American Geese). They are pretty laid back and chill . We went over to a kid play area and I got very brave and tried everything. I wanted inside the flower but I didn’t let mummy put me up in it and I wasn’t quite big enough to climb inside .
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3 years and 11 months

I am 3 years and 11 month We still go to Ginger and Spice to eat a few times a week I think I’m like their #1 customer I pretty much rule the place so I think. I’m going to make sushi like Cim one day . I love my cooking game and I make sushi on it so I know I will learn and it will be great!!!